After a life of an early and successful career in the film industry followed by years of personal challenges and a search for wholeness, Lady Casha had a series of mystical experiences in the mid 90’s. Those profound and life altering experiences put her on a path of practicing the Presence in her daily life and working with others helping them find the same inner peace by connecting with their true self/soul and the Divine within.
Lady Casha is a professional esoteric numerologist since 2001. In 2008 she connected on a deeper level with her psychic abilities and a few years later her gift for healing came to surface. She works with her Higher Mind, is predominantly intuitive, claircognizant and clairsentient and has years of experience with the Tarot, regularly offering her professional services as a reader since 2014.
Also a serious student of metaphysics, including different forms of astrology, the Cards of Truth and Human Design, she incorporates her understanding of these systems into her client work. She is a certified practitioner of Spiritual Response Therapy (SRT) – a method of identifying and removing blocks and interferences – which she uses in combination with her own energy tools to facilitate healing.
Besides her metaphysical work, Lady Casha is a writer and an artist.